Las Vegas, NV. - The "Luck of the Draw" match is in the history books, and Winter is the new WILD World Champion! According to the rules, both WILD Warriors made their entrances, then watched as WILD Owner Travis Leland randomly drew a match type out of a hat.
The capacity crowd at Freak Show Wrestling laughed as the paper read "Dance Contest." Although Winter seemed upset by this, Tab Jackson was enthusiastic about it.
Tab began to dance first, even grabbing the FSW referee to join her. After a moment, Winter decided she had seen enough and clobbered Tab, then demanded that Leland pull a new match stipulation. Leland refused. "It's the luck of the draw! I can't!"
"Your Beautiful Nightmare" looked at Leland, gesturing, and he seemed to go into an almost trance-like state. He walked forward and handed her the hat. She pulled a new match out herself and was much more pleased with the result.
"No Holds Barred," she proclaimed to the audience, who cheered enthusiastically.
What followed was a match that was as hilarious as it was athletic. It was a see-saw battle, with Tab taking punishment outside the ring, then turning the tables and humiliating Winter by tricking her into dancing and, at one point, even riding her like a horse!
Just when it appeared that Tab had the upper hand in the match, a mysterious figure in a metallic red mask and black cape came through the curtain and distracted Tab long enough for Winter to recover and nail Tab in the head with the championship belt, recently vacated by "The Bloodthirsty Vixen" Amanda.
As Winter held her new title aloft in victory, Tab lay almost motionless on the mat.
Luck appeared to turn in Winter's favor last night. Will she be as lucky on Sunday at "Hardcore Justice" as she wrestles Mickie James for the TNA/Impact Wrestling Knockouts Championship?
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