WILD Affiliates

Here is where you can find the latest about the WILD affiliates, those companies who recognize and defend the World Independent Ladies' Division Championship at their events.


WILD European Champion - To Be Determined



UK Wrestling - This is one of the most high-profile companies in all of Great Britain.  They produce the only current English-produced televised wrestling programme.  UK Wrestling Mayhem airs on Thursday nights from 10:00-11:00 PM on My Channel, Sky Television 219. UK Wrestling is based in West Yorkshire.


WILD North American Champion - Terra Calaway




Apex Pro - Based in Southern California, Apex Pro is a fusion of American and Mexican styles of wrestling. Brian Kendrick, Brandon Gatson, El Chupacabra and many others are involved. Their first show will take place on Sunday, April 29th, 2012.


Pro Wrestling Uprising - WILD Owner Travis Leland's previous wrestling company runs only on rare occasions, always for charities like The American Cancer Society or Autism Speaks.  WILD was introduced at a PWU show.

- Pro Wrestling Uprising Champion - Johnny Saovi


FREAkSHOwWrestling - Former WWE Superstar Sinn Bodhi (Kizarny) and his wife, Former WWE Women's Champion Stacy "The Kat" Carter run what is quite possibly the strangest show (wrestling or otherwise) ever created.  AND it's a WILD affiliate!


Northwest Top Rope Wrestling Promotions - A new force in the Pacific Northwest, NWTRWP is the first WILD affiliate in Oregon.

If you are a promoter and would like to become an affiliate of the World Independent Ladies' Division, please contact us at wild_wrestling@yahoo.com.  Be sure to put "Affiliate Information" in the subject line or it will not be opened.