A Call to Arms
believing in and respecting the abilities and talents of women; acknowledging women's contributions to society.
pertaining to a type of feminism that acknowledges the abilities and contributions of blackwomen.
a person who holds or supports womanist views.
The time has come where I take this term “womanist” and make it my own. Not just for my sake but for the sake of women wrestlers and the fans who know that change MUST happen now.
Female wrestlers-how sick and tired are you of men in suits in their offices telling us “Oh, yeah, you are great but you need to surgery/weight loss/look like every other female on the roster to really be considered”? Notice how the terms “train harder at practice” or “improve your in-ring skills” are not a part of this. Why do fans walk out during our matches? Why should we be the popcorn or piss break? Because for too long now we have been told our looks are the only thing people want to see. And history has proved my theory. We as wrestlers have become complacent. Why work harder when some fake hair and a crash diet are all we need to succeed? This is simply not good enough anymore. And if you think it is good enough, then this revolution is not for you. Be prepared to get out of my way and the way of those who are ready to fight for change.
Now don’t misconstrue this as an “anti-plastic surgery” rant. You want something larger/smaller/completely different then go on with your bad self. I am not here to judge and I will openly admit that I nearly went down that path myself. But never let anything overshadow your passion for wrestling. Never let it take down your desire to improve, to grow, to be the best WRESTLER you can be. Do not let it make you lazy. Do not rest your laurels simply on your cup size.
It is time we show offices and fans alike that looking different makes us special, not unemployable. But at the end of the day, what is most important is our performance. Are you not sick of being told “eh, you are ok for a girl”? I am. But I can’t potentially change a mind without looking at myself, seeing where I need improvement and actually DOING IT. I feel fortunate that there are women in this business who are leading by example. Despite their years in wrestling they have not once stopped trying to be better. Without knowing it, they are my inspiration. Despite the cattiness people assume when females are involved, I am happy for the successes of these peers and will continue to cheer them on. I would rather delight in some healthy competition and try to rise to their level than attempt to discredit them or hold them back to my level or lower. Ladies, let us delight in the successes of hardworking peers and hold ourselves to a higher standard.
Bookers/Writers- When did pride stop being a reason for a match? Why, when woman are involved, must it be about “bitch, you stole my man” or “I can’t believe she is wearing my/that outfit” or “everyone is just jealous of my beauty”? Until you start booking female wrestlers under 17 how about we keep that high school booking out of it? Why, in certain promotions, must every female be associated with a male wrestler (usually in a sexual context) to be considered worthy of tv or ring time? A women’s division should be just that: a division of female wrestlers. Make it about pride, about sport, about who is the best wrestler, about gold. Please stop turning this into a silly catfight that undermines both the talent and the fans. A possible rule of thumb: If Maury Povich would have a show on it then maybe its not meant for a wrestling storyline.
If your females are drawing the best ratings don’t cut their time and segments. Why punish them for being successful? Maybe tighten up YOUR work and give everyone better storylines. There is so much tremendous talent, contracted and not, but EVERYONE within a promotion and company pull their weight for the better of the product. From the music guy to the ring crew to the wrestlers to the promoters/owners-we all have to pull together and work as a cohesive to take all of professional wrestling to another level.
Fans-Just as there are different genres of wrestling, they are different genres of fans. For those who see female wrestling simply as fodder for your tissue soiling, please know deep down you are not and never will be my motivation as a wrestler. What you and your genitalia do on your own time has nothing to do with me and my performance. For the fans who simply hate women in wrestling and have permanently closed your mind to the possibility, best wishes to you. You are as hopeless a cause to me as I am to you. This revolution is for those who love us/hate us/indifferent to us but whose hearts open to the potential of what women’s wrestling can be. You have a voice. Use it proactively. If you hate what is on television then shut it off! Find what you do like and respect and support them. If you hate American female wrestling, don’t punish the Joshi scene, give it a shot. If there are 32 flavors of ice cream, why limit yourself to vanilla or chocolate? Have a favorite female independent wrestler, especially one who does not fit the “mold”? Show your support. Follow them on Twitter, come to indy shows they are on, rock their shirts. But please show your support in a respectful manner. Emailing powers that be with “you are an idiot if you don’t hire XYZ” will just fall on deaf ears. Posting on message boards that “Wrestler XYZ is the greatest ever nuf said” then sticking your fingers in your ears will fail you every time.
If everyone does their part we can, as a whole, bring female wrestling to a whole other level. We can rise like a phoenix from the ashes. Let us take back female wrestling and show that, if done right, 32 flavors can be incredible.
I am aware that in past years, I have sinned against what I am preaching now. But by fronting this revolution, I accept my mistakes, I accept my responsibilities and I pledge to give 100% to changing the future. My signature below is my promise to the Womanist Revolution.
I am Allison Danger and I am your Feminist Icon.
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